Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Dear Member,
Common Session this week:
Date: 09/08/2008, SATURDAY
Time: 0900-1000
Venue: Learning Center 2
Topic: Philosophy and Debate
Speaker: Trainer Alan
Transportation: there is shuttle bus at 0845 and 1130

update: 13/08/2008
Please leave your comment on last week's talk by Alan here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was an hour well-spent in a cold, dark room with several other people I didn't even know. The president of the club (I forgot his name, I think it's Allan or Allen or something) did a good job in enlightening us that debate isn't about a bunch of people squabbling over a victory. It's about philosophy. Who would've guessed.

(The above paragraph is not sarcastic, by the way)

I hope the training sessions will be as awesome. Looking forward to it.

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